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 Philipp Bahr   Video, Props and Design 

About me

I am a qualified digital and print media designer, as well as an art department assistant. Between 2010 and 2020 I worked for a publishing company. Currently I am a self-employed multimedia designer with the main focus on set and production design.

Production Design

Last year, I designed the scenery for the short film named "ISTINA" (29 min., Director: Tamara Denic).

About "ISTINA":    Trailer    IMDb    Hamburg Media School

Further short films: "Get Home Safe" (13 min., Director: Tamara Denic, Hamburg Media School, 2022) and "Bauchgefühl / Gut Feeling" (14 min., Director: Lilli Hildebrandt, 2021).

The fictional online platform "Night Guard", which is used to coordinate calls for a telephone escort, is a website written with HTML and CSS that contains text input fields, buttons and video elements.

Set design

"" (meaning: authentic Hamburg) is a live stream format for Hamburg's cultural scene, created in 2020 by SAM Medien and during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the move to a larger studio, I developed a set design that divides the stage into two areas: an area for bands and solo artists and next to it a talk set for the moderators and their guests. I had to plan a lot of space for each situation so that everyone involved could keep enough distance from each other for the reason of hygiene during the pandemic.

Layout + Propbuilding

Imagine a film set gadget looking like a "holoprojector" equipped with a battery-operated LED light. In the movie it is placed on a conference table. The apertures on the side of the holoprojector emit a light onto the table and the actors who are sitting at it. The projection itself will be added later in the post production process.

Other examples: A necklace with a victory medal for Rumpel of the German edition of Sesame Street, a gold record and a fictional magazine cover.

Also in my portfolio: stickers, posters, labels, book covers, concert tickets, school reports, medical records, targets and much more.

Video + Events

Video content has become indispensable in corporate communication. I create product videos for companies and accompany events from conception to subtitling. For feature films, I deliver videos, e.g. for surveillance monitors, projections on a shooting range or backgrounds for video walls.

My experience also includes several years of technical management of an award ceremony. The DVZ LEO Award is a business prize that honors outstanding personalities from the transport and logistics industry in several categories every year.

A.D. 1800—1900

Working on production design is particularly interesting for historical films. Personally, I'm particularly interested in the 19th century era: Napoleon, the March Revolution, Biedermeier, Gettysburg, Charles Darwin and Beethoven's 7th symphony are just a few of the terms that describe this eventful time. In the years from 1800 to 1900 there were many significant moments that strongly shaped the social perception of everyday life at that time. Political connections, developments in medicine and technology, as well as art, music and architecture form important working principles for the creation of a film world. Together with sociological aspects of consumer behavior, artistic styles or ways of thinking, this results in a well-founded assessment of the conditions at the time. The detailed view into the everyday life of ordinary people with the knowledge of the events in the world makes the reproduction of historical realities credible.